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Note from Jo: Arugula


Recently I was with my twin, yes there are two of us, she was making me a salad and asked if I liked arugula. I replied with a quick yes and she told me that recently she’d gotten stuck on this same topic.

You see, my twin sister is a widow of almost 3 years. At 39 her husband passed away of cancer leaving her with an 8-year boy and 6-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl. Now those amazing kids are ten and 8-year-old men with a 6-year-old little lady at their side. My sister has been dating someone for a year and a half and while making this salad she looked at me and said “I can’t remember if Greg” (her husband who passed) “or if Ryan (the boyfriend) told me they hated arugula”. She looked at me and said she’d been racking her brain on which of these great loves told her that.


It made me think.

Who do I mourn and miss, personally and professionally? What clients have I asked about trends? Which clients have I gotten confused over? With so many balls in the air at all times, it’s easy for any of us to get confused and keep it all straight. Slack, email, messenger, DMs all help and hurt us in the effort to keep it straight. So.. today.. I ask you to pls .. go Arugula. Go check in with a client or colleague who may have gotten lost in the shuffle over the years. Check-in with someone who you may be mixing up with someone else….Someone who has your head spinning…..Someone may need you as much as you need them. The world turns, time moves forward and we move forward too. But there was someone before that may have inspired you or taught you something or was an unofficial mentor. Today is a good day to just say "hey, I remember you".
