The Value of Mentorship - What My Mentor Taught Me
Johanna Gottlieb, President PromoKitchen and VP Sales, Midwest for Axis Promotions
I started in this industry in 2006. I was hired to be an account manager for two very different women, with very different books of business. They were both phenomenal and successful. One managed more domestic and quick turn business and the other was focused on pure import, large orders that were planned out for months. They each taught me so much. In my early days I asked a lot of questions. I would often turn to my bad ass powerhouse female bosses but would also lean on other sales leads for direction and guidance. I think I knocked on the cubicle doors of almost every team lead and executive team member. I wanted to know it all and also hear how different people answered different questions.
During those early days I really connected with Joan Bluestone Landorf. Joan is the EVP at Axis and had partnered with Larry after years of running her own women owned distributorship, Corporate Visions. I would turn to her for advice, for leadership and for all things promo and personal. She taught me so much, usually without even trying. She taught me to talk less and listen more (still working on this). She taught me to be an ally to clients and to challenge them on goals and their vision. When I sat in on meetings with her and watched her style I would feel like a kid in a candy store. It was like watching a real life movie star. Clients would hang on her every word. She would turn a meeting into a therapy session with her leading questions and natural style. She'd ask where do you want to be? Where do you want to go? Why? It was never about product with her and still isn't. Joan would walk into a meeting (after flossing and applying her signature lipstick) and get clients to talk and talk and talk about goals. I wanted to be like her from day one and still do.
“ She taught me to be an ally to clients and to challenge them on goals and their vision.”
What started from pure admiration turned into a beautiful 14 + year mentorship. Joan took me under her maternal and sales wing and committed to meeting with me regularly. We have done consistent, and sometimes not consistent, check in over the last 14 years. She takes notes every time we speak and challenges me on action items. She makes me want to be a better person. She has personally helped me stand when I wanted to fall. She is so much more than a mentor and I am so grateful to call her a friend.
Everyone should have a mentor, personally and professionally. The relationship is so much more than a check in and chat. It is two sided and can be so raw and real. You can both learn so much from one another, if you trust and give into the process. At Promokitchen we are committed to pairing like minded industry folks who can help empower each other and grow together. If you have not checked out the program please click the link below and sign up. You won't be sorry you did. I hope to hear from about your mentor experience. Stay curious!