2018 PPAI Expo Chef-Led Education Sessions


Looking to catch some killer education sessions at Expo?  Check out what the chefs at PromoKitchen have cookin'! 

The Changing Landscape Of The Promotional Products Industry

Larry Cohen

Where: Lagoon F, Level 2

When: Monday 1/15/2018 from 10:40 AM to 11:40 AM

What does the future hold for the promotional products industry? A convergence of factors—changing demographics, shifting consumer behaviors, new technologies—is transforming industries and redefining competitive advantage. The pace of change is only accelerating and will undoubtedly require businesses to adapt to a new and different landscape. Come hear about the trends that are likely to influence and reshape our industry in the coming years, and prepare your business for the changes ahead.

The Art Of Building A Great Distributor Brand

Mark Graham

Where: Breakers F, Level 2

When: Monday 1/15/2018 from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM

How do you build a distributor brand that connects in a way that helps it pays big dividends? Connecting with customers through the art of purposeful branding results in stronger margins, longer customer lifetime value, and sustains a long-term business. Come to this session and see examples of brands that demonstrates how you can carve out your own special place in a crowded world. Branding and community building are interrelated, and the best brands make the connection seamlessly and in an authentic way that generates results and gives meaning and purpose to commerce. Learn why successful branding is the key to long-term value creation, and why good branding equals strong margins.

The Accomplished Life: The Art Of Getting More Done

Kirby Hasseman

Where: Breakers D, Level 2

When: Monday 1/15/2018 from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM

Every business professional wants to maximize productivity and get more done in less time. This presentation will provide specific tips and tactics on how to get more done and be happier while doing it.

Creating Long-Term Loyalty By Eliminating Client Friction

Bill Petrie

Where: Breakers H, Level 2

When: Monday 1/15/2018 from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM

In our continually evolving marketplace, clients are seeking experiences that are as frictionless as possible. It’s about going beyond the “big things” most businesses do well. To truly stand out and reduce client friction in an Amazon world, it’s the seemingly little areas where it’s critical to give 100 percent. Learn easily implemented, tactical actions that can be taken immediately to create an experience clients will gladly pay for again and again.

Keynote Luncheon: PPAI Association Update With Paul Bellantone, CAE

Paul Bellantone, CAE, Mary Jo Tomasini, MAS, Dale Denham, MAS+

Where: Mandalay Bay J, Level 2

When: Wednesday 1/17/2018 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM

New for 2018, join Paul Bellantone, CAE, president and CEO of PPAI, for this keynote luncheon panel featuring PPAI Board Chair, Mary Jo Tomasini, MAS and Incoming Chair-Elect, Dale Denham, MAS+ as they cover current key issues and opportunities facing the promotional products industry, the Association and its more than 15,000 member companies. This presentation will include Association initiatives designed to deliver compelling member value as well as protect and grow the industry. Pre-registration and a ticket are required to attend this session and receive a free lunch. (Applies to the first 200 people registered). Those wanting to watch the Presentation Only (no lunch included) will be allowed to attend, first-come, first-serve onsite.

Finding Your Voice

Bill Petrie

Where: Breakers D, Level 2

When: Thursday 1/18/2018 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM

In a mature industry with over 22,000 distributors selling the same merchandise at similar pricing to the same target audience, the single biggest challenge is differentiation. Standing out from the crowded marketplace is simultaneously the most critical and difficult undertaking in the promotional products industry. This session will take a deep dive into the steps necessary to truly find your voice and elevate you, your company, and your brand from the clamorous crowd that is your competition.