REVIVIFY · The T-Shirt Design Competition
A T-Shirt Competition Brought To You By PromoKitchen And SanMar
Win $500 cash for you and $500 towards scholarships by creating a design this year's PromoKitchen T-shirt for our party in Las Vegas.
View entries here: or on FaceBook
What's REVIVIFY?: re·viv·i·fy verb give new life or vigor to.
PromoKitchen and District® (by SanMar) have parallel philosophies—we are progressive, active, creative, forward thinking, hip, relevant. We are ready for the new year and plan on igniting a new attitude and injecting a new life into the industry in 2014!
THE GIG. How would you REVIVIFY our industry in 2014? PromoKitchen + District® want to give promotional products industry designers the chance to create a t-shirt design for this year’s PromoKitchen party in Las Vegas. The trick is, we want you to personally interpret the word “REVIVIFY” and create a design that fully encompasses its meaning/theme and the word itself (yes, REVIVIFY will need to be included in your design!).
Oh, and we want you to use PromoKitchen “Knife & Fork” symbol in your design as well. Tricky, yeah... So amp up your creative mojo and show us what you got!
THE SPOILS. The winner will receive $500 in cash. In addition to this, District® will make a $500 donation to the Promotional Products Education Foundation (PPEF) on the winner’s behalf. Not to mention bragging rights! Your design will be on the t-shirts handed out at the WORLD FAMOUS PromoKitchen Party in Las Vegas in 2014 and displayed on!
JUDGING. All submissions will be displayed on and PromoKitchen’s Facebook prior to voting and we will invite public feedback on their favorites. Select PromoKitchen Chefs and District® will make the final decision and the winner will be announced on December 6.
THE FINE PRINT. Artwork requirements: (Please visit: to read all of the official contest rules)
1) Keep your work to 4 spot colors.
2) Be prepared, final art must be vector - .eps or .ai (no embedded jpgs or other files)
3) Please submit a 600x600 px 72 dpi jpg of your work for judging to the address below.
4) We will put your work on display for all to see prior to judging. Please make sure that you include your name, company you work for (must be a promotional products supplier, distributor or service provider), and your position. Include your photo as well!
5) One submission per person, please.
6) Must be YOUR OWN artwork. Please NO clipart or altered copies of other artworks.
· SUBMIT YOUR ARTWORK BY NOVEMBER 22, 2013 · SEND TO CREATIVE@PROMOKITCHEN.COM · Click here to download contest rules · Click here to download t-shirt template (includes PromoKitchen Knife and Fork icon)
SO let's REVIVIFY 2014! Re-energize your enthusiasm. Recharge your mind.