PK #35: Mark Graham, commonsku

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For a year, I've hounded Mark Graham for an interview, he frequently demurred, citing a possible "conflict of interest". But, as with all the chefs in the PromoKitchen, Mark is involved in a successful business and if he were not involved in PromoKitchen, he would most certainly find himself interviewed on the program as a guest, particularly since he has built not just one, but two successful enterprises in our industry. It's an awkward position, to be a chef in PK and to talk about yourself, but the chefs each have their own unique success story and involvement in PK should not prohibit us learning from their experiences. It is in this spirit I submit to you this podcast conversation with my friend, Mark Graham. A driving force behind PromoKitchen and also CEO of Commonsku and RightSleeve, we chat with Mark about the development of Commonsku and how it was born out of a genuine need to run his own distributorship, plus, we dig deeper into his personality by asking our famous ten questions. Join Danny Rosin and I as we discuss with Mark, all-things-commonsku. The PK Podcast is a weekly conversation featuring guest suppliers, distributors and service providers discussing opportunities, challenges and insights into the promotional products business. The purpose of the podcast is to to bring the conversation we are already having at shows and restaurants to a public forum where we can all listen and learn. As a continued commitment to mentor those new in the industry, the podcast will feature a broad spectrum of topics. If you wish to participate in the podcast, please read our editorial guidelines then fill out our form and we’ll be in touch!
