PromoKitchen Podcast #124 | Andy Thorne


Mark Graham, co-founder of commonsku, talks with Andy Thorne from Outstanding Branding on the PromoKitchen podcast.

Andy is one of the industry’s most outrageously, loveable characters. He’s not afraid to speak his mind, he makes friends easily and,  in his words, he’s pretty good at getting people to “say yes to him.”

Andy, along with his business partner Sarah Penn, launched Outstanding Branding 8 years ago in their native London, England. Since then, they have grown into a multi-million dollar distributorship by focusing on design, building a quirky company culture and obsessively caring for their global clientele.

In our episode today, we talk about how the UK promotional products market compares to the North American market, why Andy isn’t scared of Amazon, how to build a global distributor office and why the future of our industry rests in selling creative marketing solutions vs logoed tchotchkes.